銆€銆€2004骞寸殑姒傛嫭澶ф剰椤屼篃鏄皪闁撴帴鍦版秹鍙婂埌浜嗗皪鈥淚nstead of 鈥︹€濋€欏€嬪彞瀛愮殑鑰冨療銆傛湁涓€閬撴鎷ぇ鎰忛鑰冨療鈥淚nstead of 鈥︹€濇墍鍦ㄦ钀界殑涓婚銆傞€欓亾椤屼篃鍙互璧版嵎寰戯細
銆€銆€The company鈥檚 assembly line alone threw America鈥檚 Industrial Revolution into overdrive(楂橀€熼亱杞�) . Instead of having workers put together the entire car, 绲勮鏁磋紱杌�锛孎ord鈥檚 friends, who were great toolmakers from Scotland, organized teams that added parts to each Model T as it moved down a line. By the time Ford鈥檚 Highland Park plant was humming(鍡″棥浣滈熆) along in 1914, the world鈥檚 first automatic conveyor belt could turn out a car every 93 minutes.
銆€銆€閫欏€嬫钀戒竴鍏辨湁涓夊€嬪彞瀛�, 鍏朵腑绗�2鍙ヤ腑鍑虹従浜咶ord鈥檚 friends(Ford鐨勬湅鍙�), 閫欏€嬬煭瑾炴彮绀虹2鍙ユ槸涓€鍊嬬窗绡€(ji茅)鍙�, 绗�3鍙ヤ腑鍑虹従浜嗗叿楂旂殑鏅傞枔(in 1914), 閫欎篃琛ㄦ槑绗�3鍙ユ槸绱扮瘈(ji茅)鍙�, 鎵€浠ュ垽鏂疯┎娈电殑绗竴鍙ユ槸涓婚鍙�, 瑭插彞涓嚭鐝句簡鈥渁ssembly line鈥濓紝 鍥犳鍒ゆ柗B鏄瓟妗�銆傝┎鍙ヨ鈥滃厜鏄叕鍙哥殑瑁濋厤绶氬氨鎶婄編鍦嬬殑宸ユキ(y猫)闈╁懡鎶曞叆鍒颁簡楂橀€熼亱杞変箣涓€濄€�
銆€銆€鑱风ū鑻辫獮鐨勯暦鍙ュ瓙鍙兘甯舵湁杓冨鐨勯檮灞祼妲嬪锛氬嫊鍚嶈绲愭锛屼笉瀹氬紡绲愭锛屽垎瑭炵祼妲�锛屼粙瑭炵煭瑾炵祼妲�锛� 寰炲彞绲愭绛夛紝 鑰屼笖瑭插彲鑳藉嚭鐝惧緸鍙ュ寰炲彞鐨勭祼妲�銆傚挨鍏舵槸鍦˙绱氬拰A绱氱殑鑰冮涓�锛� 鐢氳嚦鍦ㄤ竴娈垫枃瀛椾腑涔熷彲鑳芥渻鍚屾檪鍑虹従杓冨鐨勫京闆滃彞瀛愮祼妲�銆傚鐞嗗伐椤濵obile Phone(B绱氾細2002骞寸悊宸ラ闁辫畝鐞嗚В鑰冮)涓殑绗竴娈碉細
銆€銆€Mobile phones should carry a label if they proved to be a dangerous source of radiation, according to Robert Bell, a scientist. And no more mobile phone transmitter towers should be built until the long-term health effects of the electromagnetic radiation they emit are scientifically evaluated, he said. "Nobody's going to drop dead overnight but we should be asking for more information," Robert
銆€銆€Bell said at a conference on the health effects of low-level radiation. "If mobile phones are found to be dangerous, they should carry a warning label until proper shields can be devised," he said.
銆€銆€1.闀峰彞瀛愮祼妲嬪京闆�: 鍙ュ瓙涓緸鍙�, 浠嬭鐭獮绲愭, 涓嶅畾寮忕祼妲�, 鍒嗚绲愭绛夊嚭鐝鹃牷绻�锛屽锛�
銆€銆€(2002骞磋(w猫i)鐢熼C绱氳€冮姒傛嫭澶ф剰鑸囧畬鎴愬彞瀛愶細Health Education)
銆€銆€In health education we must work with families, communities, and even regional
銆€銆€鐙€瑾� 涓昏獮 璎傝獮
銆€銆€and national authorities to make sure that resources and support are available
銆€銆€to enable each individual to lead a healthy life.
銆€銆€(2003骞寸悊宸闁辫畝鐞嗚В鏂囩珷Eta Carinae)
銆€銆€The problem in observing Eta Carinae is that it has been surrounded by a cloud of gas
銆€銆€and dust, making it hard to see the star directly.
銆€銆€鍙ヤ腑閭勫嚭鐝句簡褰㈠紡璩撹獮鐨勭祼妲�: making it hard to see the star directly
銆€銆€(2004骞寸稖鍚圕闁辫畝鐞嗚В鏂囩珷Home Heating)
銆€銆€Home heating, which accounts for less than 7 percent of all energy consumed in the U.S., has had a commendable (鍊煎緱璐婃彋鐨�) efficiency record: from 1978 to 1997, the amount of fuel consumed for this purpose declined 44 percent despite a 33 percent increase in the number of housing units and an increase in house size.
銆€銆€2.浠h/鍐犺绲愭浣跨敤闋荤箒, 鏈夋檪鎸囦唬闂滅郴杓冨京闆�, 鑰屼笖甯稿父鏄€冮粸瑷疆鐨勫湴鏂�, 濡傦細
銆€銆€(2002骞寸稖鍚堥C绱氳€冮闁辫畝鐞嗚В锛欰 thirsty World)
銆€銆€The world is not only hungry, it is also thirsty(娓存湜鐨� (for) )for water. This may seems strange to you, since nearly 75% of the earth's surface is covered with water. But about 97% of this huge amount is sea-water, or salt water, man can only drink and use the other 3% - the fresh water that comes from rivers, lakes, underground, and other sources.
銆€銆€鍟忛: The phrase 鈥渢he world鈥� in the first line of the passage refers to
銆€銆€A. you
銆€銆€B. man
銆€銆€C. woman
銆€銆€D. they
銆€銆€鏂囩珷瑕佽畝鍒扳€渕an can only drink and use the other 3%..鈥�(瑭插彞瑾汉椤炲彧鑳介2鐢ㄥ叾浣欑殑3%, 椤劧閫欒鏄庝簡浜洪缂烘按, 鍥犳浜洪娓存湜姘�, 閫欐ǎ瑭插彞鐨勫収瀹硅垏the world鎵€鍦ㄧ殑鍙ュ瓙鍦ㄥ収瀹逛笂鍛兼噳, 灏嶆瘮閫欏叐鍊嬪彞瀛愮殑鍏у鍒ゆ柗B鏄瓟妗�. )鎵嶈兘璁撲汉璁€鍑衡€淭he world鈥濈殑鍏烽珨鎵€鎸囦唬鐨勫収瀹�銆�
銆€銆€It is estimated that 20% of all comic book heroes in Japan are robots. This is an enormous number because comics are so popular that they make up a third of all material published in Japan.
銆€銆€閫欏€嬪彞瀛愪腑鍑虹従浜嗕笁鍊嬩唬瑭�: 褰㈠紡涓昏獮it; 鎸囩ず浠hthis(鎸囦唬鈥�20% of all comic book heroes in Japan鈥�) they (鎸囦唬comics)
銆€銆€3.琚嫊瑾炴厠(t脿i)鍑虹従闋荤箒锛� 濡傦細
銆€銆€(2002骞磋(w猫i)鐢熼B绱氳€冮闁辫畝鐞嗚В锛歂atural Medicine)
銆€銆€Experts say almost 80% of the people in the world use plants for health care. These natural medicines are used not just because people have no other form of treatment. They are used because people trust them.
- 鑱风ū鑻辫獮鑰冭│缍滃悎椤炲熀绀庤獮娉曚箣鐙€瑾炲緸鍙�2017-07-10
- 鑱风ū鑻辫獮鑰冭│缍滃悎椤炲熀绀庤獮娉曚箣鏅傞枔鍓2017-07-10
- 2017骞磋伔绋辫嫳瑾炶€冭│缍滃悎椤炲父瑕嬭绲�62017-07-03
- 2017骞磋伔绋辫嫳瑾炶€冭│缍滃悎椤炲父瑕嬭绲�52017-07-03
- 2017骞磋伔绋辫嫳瑾炶€冭│缍滃悎椤炲父瑕嬭绲�42017-07-03
- 2017骞磋伔绋辫嫳瑾炶€冭│缍滃悎椤炲父瑕嬭绲�32017-06-29
- 2017骞磋伔绋辫嫳瑾炶€冭│缍滃悎椤炲父瑕嬭绲�22017-06-29
- 2017骞磋伔绋辫嫳瑾炶€冭│缍滃悎椤炲父瑕嬭绲�12017-06-29
- 2017骞磋伔绋辫嫳瑾炶€冭│?锛熷婀き楂 + 鍙婄墿鍕曡 + 璩撹獮2017-06-29
- 2017骞磋伔绋辫嫳瑾炶€冭│?锛熷婀き楂 + 鍙婄墿鍕曡 + 璩撹獮 + 璩撹獮瑁滆冻瑾�2017-06-29