銆€銆€Text A銆€Fallacies about Food
銆€銆€1. be eager to do sth./be eager for sth. 娓存湜鍋氭煇浜�/鍕曡瑭炵祫
銆€銆€2. be supposed to do sth. 鎳夎┎锛岃瑾嶇偤鍘诲仛鏌愪簨;it is supposed that 浜哄€戣獚鐐�
銆€銆€3. be supplied to sb. 鎶婃煇鐗╂彁渚涚郸鏌愪汉
銆€銆€4. substitute A for B 鐢ˋ渚嗘浛鎻汢/鍕曡鎴栧悕瑭炶绲�
銆€銆€5. wash sth. down sth. 鐢ㄤ粈涔堜締娑戜笅浠€涔�/鍕曡瑭炵祫
銆€銆€6. have to do with/have nothing to with/have much to do with鑸囨煇浜烘垨鏌愪簨鏈夐棞/鐒¢棞/寰堟湁闂�
銆€銆€1. 闁辫畝鎶€宸э細闁辫畝鏅傞枔濡傛灉寰堢穵寮电殑瑭�锛屾垜鍊戝彲浠ユ妸鍏╁€嬮€楄櫉闁撶殑鍏у鐪佺暐涓嶇湅銆�
銆€銆€2. 浣垮焦鍕曡锛欵ating deer would make them run as fast as the deer. Make鍚庣敤鍕曡鍘熷舰;鍚屾ǎmake涔熸槸鍙互甯惰硴瑾炶瓒宠獮鐨勫嫊瑭�锛宔.g. eating enemies that had shown bravery in battle would make them brave.
銆€銆€Think涔熷彲浠ュ付璩撹獮瑁滆冻瑾炪€侲.g. People thought tomatoes poisonous.
銆€銆€3. may have done sth. 琛ㄧず灏嶉亷鍘荤殑鎺ㄦ脯e.g. He may have cried yesterday. 浠栨槰澶╂湁鍙兘鍝簡銆係he may have found a job last week. 濂规湁鍙兘涓婂€嬫槦鏈熷凡缍撴壘鍒板伐浣滀簡銆�
銆€銆€4. civil(鍦嬫皯鐨�)-civilized(鏂囨槑鐨�)-civilization(鏂囨槑)
銆€銆€5. it is/was thought that 鏈変汉瑾嶇偤
銆€銆€6. eat-ate(閬庡幓鏅�)
銆€銆€7. Later another wrong idea about tomatoes grew up. Tomato鐨勫京鏁稿舰寮忛渶瑕佸湪瑭炴湯鍔爀s.
銆€銆€Idea grows up. 鍑虹従鏌愮ó瑙€榛�銆�
銆€銆€8. 鍐犺鍟忛锛歐orld War II;the Second World War
銆€銆€9. drink-drunk(閬庡幓鍒嗚)
銆€銆€Text B銆€Do Animals Think?
銆€銆€1. a great deal 闈炲父/鍓瑭炵祫锛屾斁鍦ㄥ嫊瑭炲悗;a great deaf of +n.(涓嶅彲鏁�)澶ч噺
銆€銆€2. be true with(of) sb./sth. 浠€涔堜粈涔堜篃鏄湡鐨�;濡傛/鍕曡瑭炵祫
銆€銆€3. as well 涔�/鍓瑭炵祫锛屾斁鍦ㄥ彞鏈�
銆€銆€4. be engaged in sth./doing 蹇欎簬鍋氭煇浜�/鍕曡瑭炵祫
銆€銆€5. search for 灏嬫壘/鍕曡瑭炵祫
銆€銆€6. in some respects 鍦ㄤ竴浜涙柟闈�/浠嬭瑭炵祫
銆€銆€7. take care of 鐓ч¨/鍕曡瑭炵祫
銆€銆€8. make improvement in 鍦ㄥ摢鏂归潰鍙栧緱閫叉
銆€銆€9. by instinct 鏈兘鍦�/鍓瑭炵祫
銆€銆€10. think out 鍛ㄥ瘑鑰冩叜/鍕曡瑭炵祫
銆€銆€11. speak of 瑾埌/鍕曡瑭炵祫
銆€銆€12. let sb./sth. out 閲嬫斁/鍕曡瑭炵祫
銆€銆€13. a variety of 澶氱ó澶氭ǎ鐨�/琛ㄩ噺瑭炵祫
銆€銆€14. have no knowledge of sth/sb./doing sth. 灏嶄粈涔堜汉/浠€涔堜簨/鍋氭煇浜嬩竴鐒℃墍鐭�/鍕曡瑭炵祫
銆€銆€1. live(v.)-lively(adj.娲绘綉鐨�)
銆€銆€2. 鍊掕鍙ワ細hardworking as they are. 姝よ檿鐨刟s琛ㄧずalthough鎴杢hough锛岀洝绠$殑鎰忔€�锛屼絾鐢╝s鏅�锛岄渶瑕佹妸褰㈠瑭炴垨鍓鏀惧湪鍙ラ+as+闋嗙媭瑾炲簭銆傝┎鍙ヨ┍缈昏鎴愶細鐩$浠栧€戝緢鍔姏宸ヤ綔銆侲.g. Although I love you much锛� I still can't help you. 鍙互杞夋彌鎴愶細Much as I love you锛� I still can't help you. E.g. Though this movie is very moving锛� I still can't afford time to see it. 鍙互杞夋彌鎴愶細Moving as this movie is锛� I still can't afford time to see it.
銆€銆€3. sober鍐烽潨鐨�/鍤磋倕鐨�;鍏舵瘮杓冪礆鏄� more sober
銆€銆€4. could have done/could have been done 鏈彲浠ュ仛鎴栬鍋氱殑浜嬭€屾矑鏈夊仛銆�
銆€銆€could not have done/could not have been done 鏈笉鍙兘鍋氭垨琚仛鐨勪簨鑰屼綔浜�
銆€銆€5. 涓昏獮+is not long in doing sth 鍋氭煇浜嬩笉鏈冭姳寰堥暦鏅傞枔
銆€銆€6. 闆e彞锛歁any of things that animals know how to do they seem to know either without learning锛� or in some way which we cannot understand. 瑭炲彞瑭辩偤鍊掕瑾炲簭锛岄爢瑁濇噳鐐猴細They seem to know many of things that animals know how to do锛� either without learning锛� or in some way which we cannot understand. 鍏朵腑锛歟ither鈥r鈥﹁〃绀衡€滆涔堚€﹁涔堚€︹€� 鎶婃鍙ュ彲浠ョ炕璀垚锛氬畠鍊戜技涔庣煡閬撳緢澶氬嫊鐗╁仛浜嬬殑鏂规硶锛岄€欎簺鏂规硶瑕佷箞涓嶆槸闈犲鍒扮殑锛岃涔堝氨鏄互鎴戝€戞墍涓嶇悊瑙g殑鏂瑰紡鐭ラ亾鐨勩€�
銆€銆€7. 閲嶈鍙ュ瀷锛歐e never see frogs engaged in sport.
銆€銆€The owl always looks as if he were considering some important question.(as if鐨勫彞鍨嬮噷鍑虹従浜嗚櫅鎿獮姘�锛岀敱浜庢槸灏嶇従鍦ㄧ殑铏涙摤锛屾墍浠ラ噰鐢ㄤ簡绯诲嫊瑭瀢ere鐨勫舰寮�)
銆€銆€Now锛宨f he had had his wits about him锛� he would have known that there was no use in building a dam where there was no water.(姝ゅ彞鐐哄皪閬庡幓铏涙摤鐨勫彞鍨嬶紝鍘熷墖鐐篿f姊濅欢鍙ュ瀷鐢ㄥ姪鍕曡had鍔犱笂鍕曡鐨勯亷鍘诲垎瑭炲舰寮�锛屼富鍙ョ敤鎯呮厠(t脿i)鍕曡would绛夊姞涓奾ave done 鐨勫舰寮�;鏈彞绗簩鍊媓ad鏄痟ave one鈥榮 wits 閫欏€嬭绲勭殑鍕曡閬庡幓鍒嗚褰㈠紡;鍙﹀锛屾铏曠殑there was no use in 鍚庨潰鍙兘鎺ュ嫊瑭炵殑ing 褰㈠紡)
銆€銆€Animals think much while building their houses.(姝ゅ彞瑭辩偤鐪佺暐鍙ュ瀷涔嬫墍浠ョ敤building锛屼竴鏂归潰鏄洜鐐哄湪鏅傞枔鐙€瑾炲緸鍙ラ噷鐪佺暐浜嗚獮涓诲彞鐩稿悓鐨勪富瑾瀉nimals鍜岀郴鍕曡are锛屽彟涓€鏂归潰鏄洜鐐篴nimals 鍙互鐧�(f膩)鍑篵uild鐨勫嫊浣滐紝鎵€浠ョ敤涓诲嫊鐨刣oing褰㈠紡)
銆€銆€They are said to do sth. 鎿氳鈥︹€�
銆€銆€It is by this instinct that birds build their nests and beavers their dams and huts.(鏈彞瑭辩偤寮疯鍙ュ瀷;鍔冪窔閮ㄥ垎鐐哄挤瑾垮彞鍨嬬殑鍩烘湰閰嶇疆锛屽妰绶氶儴鍒嗕箣闁撴槸琚挤瑾挎垚鍒�)
銆€銆€The reason why鈥﹀仛鏌愪簨鐨勫師鍥�
銆€銆€It is plain that +寰炲彞 寰堟槑椤�
銆€銆€Their minds are so much unlike outs that they do not know the difference between right and wrong. (姝ゅ彞鐐簊o 鈥hat鈥﹀彞鍨�;unlike鐐篴dj.琛ㄧず涓嶅儚)
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