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1. athletie  A. wealthy  B. breathe  C. smooth  D. those

2. closed  A. increased  B. treated  C. destroyed  D. washed

3. order  A. word  B. doctor  C. war  D. world

4. pioneer  A. affair  B. piano  C. quiet  D. daily

5. design  A. increase  B. persuade  C. sister  D. advise


從每小題的四個選項中,選出最佳的- -項。


一My mobile phone doesn't work. Could you repair it for me?

A. What?

B. Yes?

C. Pardon?

D. All right.

7 I heard the song. I felt cheeful.

A. The moment

B. Immediately

C.As soon as

D. All above

8. People complain that they  enough information.

A. didn't accept

B. don't get

C. are receiving

D. hadn't

9. His answer is like  “One should never be too sure of oneself.

A. those

B. that

C. it

D. this

10. China, one of the largest countries in the world, which___ abundant resources, is facing resource shortage.

A. was used to have

B. had

C. would have had

D. used to have

11. He didn't have'  common sense to send for  doctor.

A./; a

B. the; a


D.a; / .

12. Tom was  _to do the survey among teenagers.

A. suggested

B. demanded

C. advised

D. hoped

13. The foreign minister occupied himself  _various foreign affairs every day.

A. due to

B. for .

C. with

D. over

14. I told him to give up chatting online, and that  _you, too.

A. does with

B. goes for

C. comes with

D. fits for .

15. But for your help, we  _the task.

A. shouldn't have accomplished

B. will not accomplish

C. didn't accomplish

D. would not have accomplished

16. - -Where did you find the paper?

-It was in the study  my father works.

A. that

B. which

C. where

D. in which

17. Fortunately for Li Ping, the insurance company stood the loss  his house burmed  down.

A. when

B. while

C. even if

D. despite

18.All morning a8 she waited for, the exam. results from the university, her nervousness

A. has grown

B. was growing

C. grew

D. had grown

19. He come to the meeting  _all the facts and figure to prove his case.

A. armed with

B. to arm with

C. arming with

D. to be armed with

20. It was with great joy  he received the news  his lost daughter has been found.

A. that; that

B. which; which

C. that ; which



It has been argued by some that gifted children should be grouped in special classes. The

21 has been on the belief that in regular classes these children are held back in their inellectual (智力的) growth by_ 22 situation that has designed for the__ 23 children.

There can be lttle doubt that _ 24__ classes can help the gifted children to graduate earlier and take their place in life sooner. However , to take these._ 25 out of the. regular classes may create serious problems.

I observed a number of_ 26 children who were taken out of a special class and placed in a  27 class. In the special class , they showed lttle ability to use their own judgment, relying  28  on their teachers' directions. In the regular class , having no worry about keeping up , they  began to reflect_ 29  on many problems , some of which were not on the school program.

Many are concerned that gifled children become _ 30 and lose interest in learning.  However, this_ 31_ is more ofen from parents and teachers than from students , and some of these__ 32 simply conclude that special classes should be set up for those who are_ 33 .

Some top students do feel bored in class, but why they_ 34 so goes far beyond the work they  have in school. Studies have shown that to be bored is to be anxious. The gifted child who is bored is an_ 35 child.

21. A. principle  B. theory  C. arguments  D. classification

22. A. designing  B. grouping  C. learning  D. living

23. A. smart  B. curious  C. mature  D. average

24. A. regular  B. special  C. small  D. creative

25. A. children  B. programs  C. graduates  D. designs

26. A. intelligent  B. competent  C. ordinary  D. independent

27. A. separate  B. regular  C. new  D. boring

28. A. specially  B. slightly  C. wrongly  D. heavily

29. A. directly  B. cleverly  C. voluntarily  D. quickly

30. A. doubted  B. bored  C. worried  D. tired

31. A. concern  B. conclusion  C. reflection  D. interest

32. A. students  B. aduls  C. scholars  D. teachers

33. A. talented  B. worried  C. learned  D. interested

34. A. believe  B. think  C. say  D. feel

35. A. outstanding  B. itelligent  C. anxious  D. ordinary




The Peterborough Marriott is the only 4-star hotel in Peterborough, situated in 11-acres of landscaped grounds on the edge of the. beautiful vllage of Alwalton. The hotel is fully air- conditioned throughout. The most atractive is that when living there you can explore the surrounding wonders of this hotel.

Flag Fen Archaeological Park

Flag Fen is one of the finest Bronze Age archaeological sites in Europe with the oldest wheel in England and an ancient wooden track way streching across the Fens. Finds asociated with this include an amazing clletion of Bronze Age swords posbly placed as oferings in the water. Take a walk on the wild side around the mere(小湖) and fields, and marvel(驚奇) at the ancient tools, jewellery and woodwork. Workshop places are limited and must be booked in advance.

Hands on acivies for all the family are run on selet days in the school holidays. Ample free parking, refreshments and shop available for visitors. Pre-booked groups and school groups can visit all year round.


Adults£ 6, Senior & 4. 5, Children & 3. 75, Students with student card & 3.75,F(xiàn)amily & 13.75 ( two adults and up to 3 children).

Pre booked groups, minimum of 12, are charged at & 5 per head with guided tours.

Peterborough Cathedral

Peterborough Cathedral is one of the finest Norman buildings suriving in Europe loday and

waseven voted as a top 10 UK Landmark in a 2007 Fujfilm users poll. Here you will find

information about is past, its present and our hopes for its future while also gaining an insight into

its life a8s a living church. I hope you will come and visit Peterborough Cathedral to discover its

wonders for yourself and receive a blessing at this magnificent Cathedral Church.

Tel: 01733 355300 E mail: andrew. watson@ peteborough-cathedral. org. uk


Free entry ; Donations welcome.

Open all the time ;Open all year.

Sacrewell Farm and Country Centre

Open all year there is something for everyone at Sacewell Farm, from friendly farm animals a straw bale maze( 迷營) and the Shire Horse Centre to tractor nides. The Stables Restaurant is open daily for home cooked farmhouse lunches, snacks and cakes as well as hot and cold drinks.

Special events held throughout the year including Lambing, Bread Making and Mlling,

Halloween Tours and Christmas ativities. Children's bithday parties, conferences, meetings and many other events caterred for. Dogs allowed.


Aduls£ 6.50, Child£ 4. 85, OAPs £ 5. 50 and Family& 19. 95. Charges and access may vary for special events so please check. No admission charge for the Stables Restaurant or Gift


36. The purpose of the author is

A. to make a detailed description about the advantages of the Peterborough Marriott

B. to atract more and more visitors to the Peterborough Mariott

C. to show the Peterborough Marriot is only 4-star hotel in Peleborough

D. to introduce many places of interest near the Peterborough Marriott

37. If you are interested in archeology, you will choose to pay a visit to

A. Sacrewell Farm and Country Centre

B. Peterborough Cathedral

C. the Peterborough Marriott

D. Flag Fen Archaeological Park

38. Peterborough Cathedral is most suitable for a(n)

A. artist

B. Christian(基督徒)

C. teacher

D. architect


Crcde of Rice, Cydle 0f Life: A Story Of Sustainable Farming by Jan Reynolds is a fascinating story of the cco-system and how rice has been grown for centuries on the island of Bali.

Thisis a very detailed book for older readers ages 7 to 12. The pictures are fantastie and it provides many leaming opportunities and teaching points. I even learned many new things reading this book.

Whar' s It Like, Lining Green? by Jjll Vandenvood ofers a unique way of teaching kids how they live green. This is a good book intended for the pre-leen or teen child. I liked that they used real life children's stories to show how one could better live green. They have examples and lots of things to make the subjeet come alive. I's a good book for inspiration when you hear all these  things that children have done. It may even inspire the parents reading over the children'  shoulder.

1 Cherish Planer Earth Book and Matching Game by Lindsey Carmichael is a unique book and a 48 piece of matching gamne for the whole family. This book is inspiring and spreads the message of love for the Earth. The item itself is also eco-friendly made from reeycled paper and printed with vegetable based inks and it is made in the USA too so it hasn't been shipped across  the world to even get here.

10 Things 1 Can Do To Help My World by Melanie W alsh helps children to make a diference in their everyday life by showing them what they can do to save the planet. This book has pages that will draw the reader in and ofers everyday tips on how we can be kinder to the earth. These tips are easy to put into our everyday lives and can be a good starting place for co-awareness for younger children. This book is intended for pre scoolers through finst graders. _is the author of the book10 Things I Can Do To Help My World.

A. Jan Reynolds

B. Jill Vanderwood

C. Lindsey Carmichael D. Melanie Walsh

40. If you want your children to leam something of farming, which of the fllowing may be the best choice?

A. Cycle 0f Rice, Cyele 0f Life

B. What's It Like, Living Green?

C. I Cherish Planet Earth Book and Matching Game

D.10 Things I Can Do To Help My World

41. Wha' s It Like, Lining Green? is a book

A. written for parents to read

B. based on real stores

C. dealing with how to tell colors

D. teaching kids how to leam subjects better

42. All the books are

A. stories for bedtime

B. eo-friendly and made from reeycled paper

C. green family books witen for children

D. picture books for children's living


They are the sort of friends who are so close they trust each other with their lives. If one flls, the other is there to catch him.

They are Wellman,whose legs were permanently injured nine years ago in a rock-climbing accident , and Corbett an experienced rock climber. Together , they climbed up Half Dome . the famous 2 ,00-o0 rock in the Yosemite National Park , through one of the most dificult routes(路線).

During the clinb, Corbett lok the lead, hit in the melal spikes (尖狀物)that guided the ropes and climbed up. Then, ater Wellman pulled himself up the rope, Corbett went down to  remove the spikes and elimbed中again. This proces was repeated time and agin inch by inch, for 13 days.

Wellman's job was not easy either. He got himself up the rope through upper body strength alone. In all, Wellman figured that he had done 5 ,00 ull-ups up the rope on the elimb.

However, when the two men finst met, they never talked about elimbing,“He knew that was how I got in-jured" ,W elman sid. Until one day Wellman deeided that he wanted to elimb again and they started training.

Their climb of Hal Dome was not all smooth. Al one point, pices of rock gave way, and

Corbett dropped down quickly. Wellman locked their rope in place, sopping the fall at 20 feet.

His quick action probably saved his friends life.

Your partner can save your life- you can save your partner's life," Wellman said as the pair

received congratulations from friends. "There are real close ties. ”

43. Which of the fllowing was a callenge for Corbett in elimbing Half Dome?

A. To climb up to remove the spikes.

B. To eclimb it twice.

C. To do 5 ,000 pll-up u the rope.

D. To lock the rope in place.

44. Why did the two men never tlk about elimbing when they fint met?

A. Corbett was poorly trained.

B. Wellman had lost interest in eclimbing.

C. Corbett didn't want to hurt Wellman.

D. Wellman hadn't decided whether to elimb again.

45. What do we know about Wellman?

A. He elimbed Half Dome by himself.

B. He was disabled in a taffie accident.

C. He stopped rock-elimbing for some time.

D. He was saved by Corbett during the climb.

46. The main idea of the text is that

A. two heads are better than one

B. friendship is precious in life

C. the disabled should never give up

D. a man can be destroyed but cannot be defeated


Couch potatoes who spend most of their time before TV often find it difcult to exercise, and they may lack speeifie genes, a study has found.

cientits working on mice renoved two of the genes in muscle ncessary for exercise and the otherwise healthy animals could not run as far器unchanged mice.

Mice love to run," said study leader Profesor Gregory Steinberg, at MeMaster University ada. "While the normal mice could run for miles, those without the genes in their muscle only run the same distance as dowm the hall and back. h was remankable. The mice loked me as their brothers or sisters, but within seconds we knew which ones had the genes and ones didn't.”

he genes removed from the mice contollel a protein alled AMPK, an enzyme(酶)that is ed on when you exercise.

he researchers found the mice without the muscle AMPK genes had lower levels of londria - the ell's energy provider - and a poor ability for their muscles to take up glucose (糖) during exercise.

When you exercise you get more

mitochondria growing in your muscle. If you don't se, the number of mitochondria goes down. By remoing these genes we found the key tor(管理者)of the miochondria is the enzyme AMPK," said Profcsor Steinberg.

He alo said the findings are important for individuals who find it dificult to exercise。such

ple who are obese and those in whelchairs, as their inbilily to exercise may lead to other ms such as diabetes and heart disease.

As we remove activity frorm our lives due to emerging tehnology。the base level of fiuness in pulation is going down and that is reducing the mitochondria in pople's muscles. This in  akes it much harder for people to start exereising," Professor Steinberg said. such potatoes probably refer to those who . epend a lot of time siting and watching television

.find it difceult to exercise in their spare time

. are planted and harvested inside the house

. have a very active life in their spare time

cording to the study , the mice without the genes in their musele . could look a litle unhealthy

B. could not run as fast as before . could only run a short distance

D. could have diferent appearances he removal of the muscle AMPK genes may lead to . the higher levels of glucose

B. their disability to tuke exercise。the lower levels of mitochondria

D. their disability to use their muscle he text is most probably about 。science news report

B. health news report . latest rescarch report

D. science fietion story




W:Mrs. Everett is expecting you, Mr. Brown. She'll be with you in a few minutes.


W:Can I take your coat?

M:Yes,please. Here you are.

W:Would you like to_ 51 while you're waiting? M: No, thanks. I've been sting for the last

three hours , and I'd like to stretch my legs.

W :Can I get you something to drink- -offe ,tea or a cold drink?

M:That would be very nice. _ 52. a cup of offee, please?

w: Yes ,ertainly , Mr. Brown. How_ 53 it?

M:White with one sugar,

w:Shall I call a taxi to take you round there afer _ 54 ?

M :Thank you , but ir's not necessary. I can walk easily.

w:_ 55 ,Mr. Brown.



請你根據(jù)以下提示,結(jié)合你校園生活中的- -個事例 ,就與人合作這一話題,用英語寫一篇短文。

Working in groups at school is an opportunity to learn more about teamwork. Teamwork shows us how other people's roles fit the purpose of the group, and it teaches us to be patient and how to respond to dilerent people.



③內(nèi)容必須結(jié)合校園生活中的- -個事例;




1.A  2. C  3.C  4.C  5. D

6.B  7.D  8. B  9. D  10. D

11.B.  12.C 13.C 14.B 15.D

16.C 17.A18.B19. A  20. A

21.C 22.C 23.D 24. B  25. A

26.A 27.B  28.D 29.A  30. B

31.A  32, B  33.A  34.D  35. C

36. B  37.D  38. B  39.D  40. A

41.B  42.C43.B  44.C  45.C

46. B  47.A  48.C  49.C  50. B

51. take a Beat

52. Could I have

53. do you take

54. your meeting with Mr. Eerett

55. Her's your eoffee


Years of school has aught me a lot of thing ,of which tarwok is the most important for me.

In faet,I didn't realise it importance until I wan chosen mooitor of my elass in my senior midlle shol. Al

first,I did most o the duties myself while other students carerd litle sbout class atirities. As a resulr,I was tired

out and depressed. Then「lurned to my teacher and he advised me to oopenale with other. Thus 1 begar 0

recognise the strengthe of m dlassmatee and have everyone do their part in elass.

It is working in teams instad of on my own that has freed me of trouble and made my work more lficienl.

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